Ghost Rider of Winnsboro

This ghost was looking to pick up a cool ride, but unfortunately I don’t think his ride is going any where. Taken in the Piney Woods of East Texas near Winnsboro in 1972. The ghost seems to be really tall and doesn’t blend in very well. Looks like it’s from a bad version of a Christmas Carol and the ghost of Christmas gone bad. I think those are bullet holes in that car. Maybe that is the ghost’s car and that’s how he/she met it’s demise.

From the negative image you can see how the ghost just sits on top of the image. It’s color values are all wrong. People think they can get away with this because it’s hard to tell lighting angles, depth of field and horizon lines. Well you can and this fails in all those aspects.
  • Case Number 19
  • Type Ghost in the woods
  • Status Closed