The Lonely Widow

The Lonely Widow is a fabled ghost in Fort Worth, Texas. Long been thought to be a distraught wife from here husband’s sudden accident. She roams the halls of Parker Manor near the Campus of TCU. She was a newly wed and her new groom died in a car crash the day of their wedding. Cars were not very reliable back in the 1930’s and neither is this photgraph. The negative image gives away the composition on the phot and the coloring does not match. The grain is also less detailed in the photo. But it does appear to have been done with old photo manipulation techniques and not a modern photoshop job. It also doesn’t appear to be a double exposure, but fake none the less.


This is a very old photo thought to be the ghost of Amelia Giddings. She died from the Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1920. Her mother was so sad she called out her name for years before being sent to an insane asylum. The little girl now looks for her mother. The house has been remodeled many times, but the current owners claim the still her the cries of a small child. The contrast-negative here again shows the images are not coherent. The tin type plate hides some of the flaws, but it still can be seen. This is also air brushing as a true art, to bad it has been used to fool. This photo has been reposted numerous times on Reddit. (and argued about incessantly)

Photo by romanboed

This happy couple at a wedding was photo-bombed by an unexpected guest. The woman in white can be seen in the background on the right. This was easy to identify as a fake as we were able to track down the original untouched image by simply doing a google search with the photo. The original photographer did not do the faking, but rather by a nameless troll on the internet and posted it to imgur.

Statue Ghost (1971)

This photo is very interesting. It almost seems to be the ghost of a statue. There is a statue that is similar to this shape. The hot spots on the photo are also incredible. The image on the lefty is actually the original. The negative does not give it away, but that image of the statue is just to close to ignore.