Ectocam 3000…what???

posted in: Fake, Paranormal, Video Post | 0

I’m not sure what an Ectocam 3000 is or what it does exactly but it did capture something strange. The colors are interesting. It’s not an infrared camera and it’s not a color spectrometer camera. Misty tried to find some details and came up empty. I am more intrigued by the camera than what it captured. I’ll open a case to see what we can find out…about the equipment and maybe the ghost. Maybe it’s Ghostbuisters reference, but I have seen that movie 30 times and I don’t think so. The video label shows Ectocam 1, but the description says Ectocam 3000, probably just a type-o when they were faking it in After Effects… hehe!

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